Newsletter and Notice of Annual Meeting

Hello from the Rocky Mountain Leather Alliance!

Check out our website for more details about who we are and what we do, and subscribe to our community calendar to know what’s going on in the Denver area.


  • Notice of Annual Meeting and Elections
  • Denver Leathermen’s Forum
  • Denver Bondage Club
  • Appendix: Bylaws Section III, Duties of Board Members


RMLA’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2024 at 1:00pm. This meeting will include board member elections. See the bottom of this email for descriptions of board positions.

If you are interested in running for a board position, please contact by September 28th (two weeks prior to the annual meeting).

Meeting invite link:


The Denver Leathermen’s Forum is hosting the Mile High Fisters for a class on October 3, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Denver Eagle.


The Denver Bondage Club is a private gathering for men to engage in BDSM with each other.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 2:30pm. For more information and to get on our mailing list, please visit our webpage.


Daniel Barnes

President, Rocky Mountain Leather Alliance

Join our Discord!



Section III: Duties of Board Members

  1. President
    1. Shall be Chief Executive Officer and shall preside over all meetings.
    2. Shall be the RMLA business and public liaison officer.
    3. Shall appoint committees necessary to handle scheduled functions and/or official RMLA activities.
    4. Shall call special meetings when necessary.
    5. Shall vote only when a tie vote needs to be broken.
    6. The President shall develop the agenda for each meeting.
  2. Vice President
    1. Shall be the RMLA’s sergeant-at-arms and maintain order and rule on parliamentary procedure in accordance to Roberts Rules of Order.
    2. Shall be custodian of any equipment or property of the organization.
    3. Shall, when necessary, act as the organization’s President.
    4. Shall oversee all committees.
  3. Secretary
    1. Shall record the minutes of all meetings and present them for the membership approval at the following meeting or by mail prior to the meeting.
    2. Shall take and keep attendance records and other records of event participation.
    3. Shall act as the organization’s Historian.
    4. Shall handle all RMLA membership correspondence, mailing lists, and inter-organization correspondence.
    5. Shall maintain an up-to-date membership roster.
    6. Shall issue a copy of the roster to all regular members at least once a year, always respecting an individual’s request for privacy.
    7. Shall enter into correspondence with other clubs and organizations to exchange event information, to issue invitations, and to publicize events sponsored by the organization that may be of interest to other clubs and organizations.
    8. Shall keep a calendar of dates and a file of information on events to other organizations throughout the country, as such information is communicated to RMLA.  Secretary shall make this information available to the President for announcement at meetings, and to members planning trips and participating in these events.
  4. Treasurer
    1. Shall be Chief Financial Officer and shall collect fees, issue monies for all RMLA obligations and keep up-to-date records of all RMLA financial transactions.
    2. Shall deposit all RMLA funds in the organization’s checking account in a timely manner.
    3. Shall rent for the organization, maintain, and inspect at least weekly the official Post Office Box for RMLA correspondence.
    4. Shall pay RMLA obligations through the organization’s account.
    5. Shall give a brief financial report with a reconciled balance statement presented to the members at all regular RMLA meetings.
    6. Shall preserve and present checks, deposit slips, bank statements, and other necessary financial records to the RMLA Officers assembled for auditing the books at least once a year and whenever else as requested by the President.
    7. Shall process all income and expenditures through the RMLA checking account, except when specifically authorized by a majority vote of members to use cash for a specific project.  In any case, receipts for all cash expended must be kept and filed.
    8. Shall maintain and render the special accounting and records of the RMLA funds as required by State and Federal regulations.
    9. Shall file all required forms as required by State and Federal agencies.
  5. Board Members at Large
    1. Shall be responsible for directing the activities of RMLA to ensure that the mission, purpose, and objectives are accomplished.
    2. Shall be responsible for upholding and maintaining the mission, purpose, and objectives of RMLA.
    3. May serve on any committee or as the Chair of any committee.
    4. Shall perform any other duties as approved by the Board